The Ambassador

His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Robert Afriyie

Ghana’s Ambassador to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the Africa Union and the Economic Commission for Africa.

His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Robert Afriyie is a career diplomat with more than two-and-a-half- decades of experience in Ghana’s Foreign Service. Prior to assumption of his current position as the Ambassador of Ghana to Ethiopia, with concurrent accreditation to Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia and South Sudan, and Permanent Representative to the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Dr. Afriyie was the Director of the Regional Integration Bureau at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana from July 2023 to July, 2024. He also simultaneously served in the latter capacity with the additional portfolio as the Head of the ECOWAS National Office.

From June 2019 until June 2023 Ambassador Afriyie served as the pioneer Consul-General at the newly established Consulate-General of Ghana to Mauritius. Before assuming the resident Head-of-Mission position in Mauritius, he was the Deputy Chef-de-Cabinet at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana from April 2017 till June 2019.

Dr. Afriyie had previously served as Deputy Head of Mission at the Ghana Embassy in Addis Ababa and Permanent Mission to the AU and UNECA from August 2014 till March, 2017. He was also Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations in New York from August 2002 to December, 2006, handling, among other things, expert level issues regarding the UN Security Council and was Political Coordinator of the Security Council team during Ghana’s tenure in 2006. Subsequently, Dr. Afriyie worked from June 2007 until June 2011 as an Associate Research Scholar/Research Analyst at Columbia University’s Security Council Report in New York, USA.

At the Foreign Ministry of Ghana, Dr. Afriyie has worked in various bureaux over the span of his career at different levels of management and leadership responsibility, including in the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Bureau (PPME), the Human Resource and Administration Bureau (HRAB), the Office/Cabinet of the Minister, the Multilateral Relations Bureau (MRB), the Americas Bureau and the Regional Integration Bureau (RIB). Additionally, he has facilitated various training programmes at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC) in Accra.

Ambassador Afriyie has served on a number of international and national Boards/Committees, including as a member of the ECOWAS Administrative and Finance Committee (AFC), the National Board of the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme, the West Africa Health Organisation (WAHO) National Steering Committee of Ghana, and the National Climate Change Committee of Ghana.

He holds a PhD in Peace Studies and Conflict Management, from Sofia University’s UCCMOR, a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD) at the University of Ghana, a PostGraduate Diploma in Psychodynamics of Negotiations from ISMHP, Staten Island, New York and a Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A. Hons) in Classical History and Civilizations and the Study of Religions, from the University of Ghana, among others.